The Old Man The subject of inbred sin or, as it is sometimes called, "The Old Man", is seldom discussed in Church circles in this modern day. Many questions could be asked about it: Where did it come from ? Exactly what is it ? Why do I have it ? and on and on. I guess the first item we should look at is, in a sense, a dual subject. It came or was caused by a very disastrous event in the Garden of Eden. God place man there in a perfect state of being. He was made in the words of Genesis "in our image after our likeness". Man had dominion over all of the earth. Then came an act of disobedience: eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Up to this point there had not existed a choice between good and evil, for they had not the knowledge of it. However, this act of disobedience, even though it had some very bad results was not the real problem. The real problem lurked behind the action of disobedience in the spirit of unbelief. God had stated quite clearly that if they ate of this tree "they would surely die". The devil or serpent so stated "Thou shalt not surely die". This introduced the very spirit of unbelief that caused them to doubt God and act on their own. This doubt, and the resulting action of eating of the tree, was an act of unbelief. Could it be any other way? Had they held firm in the belief of what God had told them, "you shall surely die", to eat of it would have been suicide and against the very nature of man. One can take the time to note all of the major troubles that had plagued us through history can be traced to this same spirit of unbelief of what God has said. Take for instance the words of John 3:18 "He that believeth on Him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." Consider these words carefully. For man is condemned for his unbelief in the name of the Son of God. Man has been informed many times of the results of his sins. Yet he continues in them because he thinks God will not really punish him for them. Unbelief started in the garden and has been handed down to every person throughout the history of man. However there has been one exception: Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin and without sin or unbelief. Praise God for His love and grace. What was the purpose of this. The writer of I John in 3:8b states: "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." Question: What was the first work of the devil on the human race? In addition to providing salvation and forgiveness Jesus will destroy the work of the devil. Does this include "the Old Man"?